The Art of Balancing: My Weekly Juggling Act

Navigating a full-time job while meeting the demands of adulthood and chasing dreams isn’t easy. Yet, like an adept tightrope walker, I have learned to maintain a steady balance, taking each step with purpose. In this post, I’ll share strategies that have allowed me to juggle professional duties and academic ambitions without dropping the ball on other areas of my life.

Photo by Sandro Tedeschini on

Like most, my work week is typically Monday to Friday. But sometimes, larger projects spill into the weekend. I am also a proud member of Cohort 13 at the WSCUC (Western Senior College and University Commission) Accreditation Leadership Academy. This program hones leadership skills essential for addressing critical issues in higher education. On top of readings and assignments, we also complete individual and group projects. Balancing these commitments could have easily led me to delay pursuing my dream of becoming a licensed therapist. But I couldn’t wait any longer.

This quarter, I am taking evening classes on Mondays and Wednesdays in the counseling program. Here’s how I fit graduate studies into my tight schedule:

Mornings: My Secret Weapon 

For me, the key lies in the early hours of the day. Before the rest of the world awakens, I have already embarked on my readings and assignments. This habit does not come naturally to me, as I am not an early bird and have to make an intentional effort to create space for the things that matter the most. These early morning hours are quiet and brimming with potential. This is when I immerse myself in the material and make space for reflection, which sometimes ends up becoming a blog post.

Strategizing for Monday Classes 

Considering that a larger amount of reading is required for my Monday classes, I have established a routine that begins on Thursday mornings. This approach enables me to savor the material, digesting it piece by piece, rather than gulping down information. So far, the result has been a deeper understanding of the content and a sense of satisfaction as I come to class prepared to engage in discussions and activities.

Midweek Preparation

By the time Tuesday rolls around, my focus shifts to preparing for my Wednesday class. Once again, my trusty early mornings come into play, allowing me to engage with the material before I plunge into my professional responsibilities.

Post-Class Wind Down 

Engaging in class gets me going, but it also keeps my brain buzzing with thoughts and theories way beyond the time when classes end. Recognizing the need for balance, I have created a post-class wind-down routine. This ritual helps me transition from student mode back to my personal life, ensuring I get the rest I need.

Weekends: Recharge and Dive Deep

I try my best to take the weekend off, or at least most of it, without focusing on any kind of intellectual work. This allows me to take a long walk, enjoy family-related activities, and tackle the usual house chores. However, sometimes there’s a big project due that requires a long stretch of continued attention, or a first draft that needs refining. Such focus requires more time than what I have in the early morning routines. So, I dedicate long blocks of time to work on weekends. While many people successfully complete big projects in small chunks, I need longer periods to immerse myself, reach my “creative zone”, and subsequently review and polish my work.

One of the early lessons I learned in academia is that first drafts, while crucial, aren’t usually my best work. They are raw and unpolished. That’s why it’s important to map out the main assignments in the syllabus and give myself time to write the first draft, put it away for a few days, and then look at it with fresh eyes on the weekend. When I do so, I also read it out loud. This weekend review helps me spot contradictions and errors more easily. Then, I turn it in. And independent of the grade I may earn, I often feel good knowing that I used the tools I have to give my best.

Balancing a demanding job with an academic journey requires a strategic approach, a deep-rooted commitment, and the ability to compartmentalize when necessary. This intricate exercise, filled with joy and hope, encapsulates my pursuit of excellence as I make a dream come true. While my journey may be unique, the underlying principles of dedication and discipline are universal. So, I hope my experiences offer some insights to help you on your path.

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