Rediscovering My Inner Sanctuary: Reflections on My Time in Brazil

In the bustling rhythm of life, where professional ambitions, daily distractions, and inevitable disappointments are entwined with personal aspirations, it’s easy to drift away from our inner core. This disconnection is not a sudden event. Rather, the constant striving for more, slowly but surely, builds a wall between us and our true selves. We become so immersed in our roles, pains, small pleasures, and responsibilities that we lose sight of what truly matters to us as individuals.

Roque Neto with Henrique, Amanda, and Vinícius Rodrigues

This has been my experience over the past few years, the same period when I was so occupied and preoccupied with my daily struggles that I didn’t make time to return to Brazil to see friends and family. However, at a certain point last fall, I realized that I was running low on emotional fuel. That was when I decided it was time to take a long vacation and reconnect with family, friends, and my own origins.

I spent almost the entire month of December crisscrossing Brazil. In addition to great food and fun conversation, this trip provided me with a different type of nourishment. I felt loved and reconnected with those whom I also love and care about. I left each encounter with my heart full. But there was one more thing, something deeper, that these encounters provided me: They helped me remember who I am, what I value, and where I want to go.

Being in the company of those who have known me through various phases of my life acted as a mirror, reflecting my true self. In those meetings, I could see myself reflected in their eyes, in their memories of us, and in the images they hold of me, in which I am usually portrayed as better and stronger than in the ones I hold. Seeing me through their eyes reconnected me with my inner core and aspirations.

This experience highlighted the power of being surrounded by those who love us. Our loved ones serve as anchors, reminding us of our roots, our values, and our deepest desires. They help us recalibrate and recenter our focus on what truly nourishes our soul. It’s in these moments of deep reconnection that we rediscover the sanctuary within ourselves. We remember that our best place of refuge and comfort is not a physical location but within ourselves.

I have always known that my close connection with my extended family and friends nourishes me. My reencounter with them reminded me of the need to not let my inner core starve before seeking it again. And while technology tools help me keep in touch with them from afar, nothing replaces the tight hug, the joy of sharing a meal, or the deep laughter that only my cousins can bring out in me.

Our journey through life, with its distractions and detours, can lead us away from our inner core. But it’s essential to remember that the journey back to ourselves is always possible. Loved ones can be a guiding light, reflecting the best in us and helping us to recenter. They remind us to pause, to listen to our inner voice, and to embrace the path that aligns with our true self. In rediscovering our inner sanctuary, we find the strength to reimagine our journey ahead, staying true to who we are and what we value most.

I will see you next week!

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