The Transformative Power of Music in My Life

For the last few days, I have listened to Planeta Agua by Guilherme Arantes, released in the 1980s. This song is a hymn of the importance and ubiquity of water in our planet, which according to the lyrics is made of water. This song also made me think about my relationship with music. Looking back, I see my life’s journey punctuated by songs, each marking a distinct phase or turning point. The vibrant beats of Daniela Mercury and Margareth Menezes, for example, always bring me joy, while the empowering new music by Junior has helped me celebrate self-discovery and resilience.

Photo by Michael Zittel on

These songs are like keys to locked chambers within my heart, each turn of the melody unlocking soothing memories, funny episodes, and even lessons painfully learned. But this encounter with music continues today with each new song I encounter or that is recommended by friends adding to the ever-expanding soundtrack of my life.

Music is a universal language that speaks to the collective soul, transcending cultural and linguistic barriers sometimes with its healing embrace, and sometimes with its irresistible invitation to just dance.

From a psychological perspective, music is a great force against the adversaries of stress and anxiety. It lowers cortisol—the stress hormone—levels, helping us to recenter and refocus. It also increases dopamine, the neurotransmitter of pleasure. Dopamine dances in our brains to the music we love, reinforcing our capacity for joy and contentment. Also, in the hands of a certified music therapist, this art form transforms into a tool to address specific health goals. These are just some of the documented benefits of music.

The cultural and emotional dimensions of music cannot be overstated. In every corner of the world, music is central to ceremony and celebration, fostering community bonds and resilience. For many, it is a spiritual language that articulates the inexpressible, granting us access to a deeper emotional expression and insight.

While I am aware of the music that carries me through life, I am curious about the musical landscapes of others. What are the songs that elevate your spirits, embrace you in comfort, or take you back to a moment frozen in time? I would love to hear from you about the songs that have occupied a special space in your life.

Let’s exchange our playlist so we can discover new songs and artists that resonate with our current experiences, struggles, and aspirations. And let’s remain open to the symphonies of the present, the ones that reflect who we are today and inspire who we aim to become tomorrow.

I will see you next week!

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