The Power of Self-Reflection

My second quarter in the counseling program is over. It introduced me to the foundational counseling skills, with several opportunities to practice them through role-play sessions. It also deepened my understanding of the ethical and legal foundations that are critical to our profession, as guided by the ACA Code of Ethics. More importantly, the second quarter highlighted the essential role of self-reflection in our personal and professional growth.

Photo by Hatice Uyar on

This quarter was marked by moments that challenged me to explore my identity as an emerging counselor. Most assignments included self-reflective elements. They served as mirrors to reveal the nuances of my thought processes and behaviors. The role-play sessions were opportunities to observe the impact of empathy and witness the transformation that occurs when two individuals engage in authentic, heartfelt dialogue. The subsequent feedback sessions became a pathway to self-awareness.

The residency required us to keep a daily journal. While simple in execution, this practice was also impactful. It was through journaling that I identified areas of growth and recognized my strengths—something that can be challenging when one is new to a profession. So, self-reflection helped me to move towards discovering my most authentic self, unguarded and open to possibilities.

What stands out to me the most from this past quarter is the realization that becoming a reflective practitioner is more than an academic exercise. It is a way of being. In my career as a teacher educator, I have known this for a while. I have seen that when teachers self-reflect, they develop a deeper understanding of their students’ needs, leading to more effective teaching practices. They are more open to refining their instructional strategies, fostering a more engaging learning environment.

Now that I am entering a new field, I can also see that self-reflection demonstrates a commitment to learning and growing. This practice of reflection is crucial for our own development and is a gift we also extend to our future clients. By modeling self-awareness and a growth mindset, we encourage them to create a space where they can explore the depths of their experiences, thoughts, and emotions.

The concept of the reflective practitioner encapsulates the essence of what it means to be a counselor. It is about becoming someone who embodies the qualities of curiosity, openness, and the pursuit of personal and professional improvement. This past quarter taught me that our greatest tool as counselors is not found in textbooks, but rather within the depths of our own lived experience and our willingness to fully engage with it.

As I look to the quarters ahead, my hope is to continue embracing this journey with an open heart and mind, not just to learn from textbooks but also to be a reflective practitioner, now and in the future. By doing so, I hope to enrich my own life and enhance the lives of those I will be privileged to serve.

I will see you next week!

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