Embracing the Horizon: My Commitments as I Turn 45

As I celebrate my 45th birthday, I find myself gazing forward. While last year I reflected on past experiences and how fast time passes, this year, my birthday reflections are filled with readiness to embrace the new chapters unfolding before me.

Photo by Dan Prado on Pexels.com

This journey into middle adulthood feels less like a “middle” and more like a new beginning. Recently, I have embarked on a new job that promises professional fulfillment and balance between my work and personal life. This shift represents more than just a career move. It is a step towards prioritizing my time and my wellbeing, ensuring that each day is lived with intention, and serving others with quality.

Health, both physical and mental, has taken center stage in my life. Under the guidance of a professional, my diet has become healthier and mirrors my ethical commitments to sustainability, reflecting my respect for the planet. Similarly, daily exercise has become a non-negotiable part of my routine, affirming my belief that our bodies deserve care and attention.

Perhaps most importantly, I am making a conscious effort to fortify the bonds of friendship. In the whirlwind of life, it is easy to let relationships slip through our fingers like grains of sand. This year, I am making space for regular catch-ups—coffees, lunches, simple gatherings—that weave these precious relationships more firmly into my life.

On the academic front, I continue to progress through the Counseling program, an endeavor that involves crafting a professional identity that resonates with who I am and who I aspire to be. This path towards becoming a licensed therapist is a journey of transformation that challenges me to grow and give back in ways that expand my existence.

As I celebrate this moment, I am grateful for the years that have brought me here and I am excited for the years to come. The future holds promise, not just in the milestones I aim to achieve but in the simple joys: the morning walks, the shared meals, the quiet moments of contemplation.

I am happy for the coming years, the growth, friendships, and new beginnings. I am committed to living with my heart wide open to the possibilities that lie ahead. As I celebrate another year of life, I realize that the best is not behind me. It is unfolding right now, under my feet, with each step I take.

Thank you for walking this path with me. I will see you next week!

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