My Third Quarter in the Counseling Program

I have just finished the third quarter of my counseling program at Palo Alto University. I took COUN634 Diagnosis and COUN621 Lifespan Development, both courses had rich and challenging content. This has been the heaviest quarter so far due to the weighty responsibilities these courses brought to the forefront.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

The Weight of Diagnosis

COUN634 Diagnosis was a rigorous exploration of mental health issues using the DSM-5-TR. The responsibility of diagnosing clients is immense, as it influences the course of treatment and can bring up stigma associated with certain conditions. One of the most important lessons from this course was understanding that diagnosis is an iterative process. It is an ongoing journey of understanding our clients deeply as we gather more data and insights.

Our professor emphasized the importance of being thorough yet flexible, acknowledging that it is okay to revise a diagnosis as we gain more information. This iterative approach requires humility and a commitment to continuous learning. We must strive to get things right, knowing that our best efforts can make a significant difference in our clients’ lives. However, it also means accepting that mistakes may happen and being prepared to handle them with grace and professionalism.

Understanding Human Development

In COUN621 Lifespan Development, we explored the fascinating and sometimes sobering world of human development. This course reminded me that our future clients may come to us from various stages of life, each with unique challenges and experiences. As counselors-in-training, we must be prepared to support clients who are in the late stages of adulthood, facing issues like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

The course also pushed me to become more comfortable discussing emotionally charged topics such as end-of-life issues, elderly abuse and neglect, and death and dying. These are not easy conversations, but they are crucial. Our role as counselors is to provide a safe space for these discussions and to help our clients navigate these difficult areas with dignity and compassion.

The Power of Collaboration

One of the most valuable aspects of this quarter was the collaboration with my classmates. Engaging with a group of highly thoughtful and generous peers made a difference as we navigated through these topics together. Our discussions, reflections, and shared experiences enriched my understanding and provided support.

This quarter has given me a roadmap for growth, highlighting areas where I need to expand my comfort zone and deepen my knowledge. The responsibilities of a future counselor can be challenging sometimes, but they are also fulfilling. Counseling is a journey of lifelong learning, and I am grateful for the opportunity to embark on this path with such incredible support and guidance.

As I look ahead to the next stage of my journey, I am filled with purpose. I want to remain open to learning, willing to adapt, and committed to providing the best care possible for my future clients. But for now, I will enjoy the break between quarters and get some rest.

Thank you for reading my reflections. If you would like to receive them in your inbox, please enter your email address below.

I will see you next week!

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