A Peek into the Legal and Ethical Foundations of Counseling

Just when I thought I was getting the hang of my classes this term, bam, it’s almost over. The second quarter has been busier than the first, but it has also felt more real. We transitioned from a theoretical perspective of counseling to practicing specific therapeutic skills, and addressing the ethical and legal issues we may encounter in our counseling careers.

My Journey as a Dean

As I look to the future, I am hopeful. I envision a future where more individuals from minoritized communities ascend to similar positions of leadership in higher education, bringing a wealth of experiences that shape our departments and programs in impactful ways. Our backgrounds influence how we allocate funds, what we emphasize...

Beyond Accreditation: Transforming Mental Health Culture in Higher Education

Faculty and staff are the backbone of academic institutions, yet their mental health is often sidelined by a culture that perpetuates a cycle of stress and silence. To dismantle this, we must first recognize the unique pressures faced by those in academia, as well as the dire consequences of ignoring them.