Beyond Defeat: Embracing Cognitive Restructuring and Self-Compassion

Learning from our mistakes can be even more powerful if we keep in mind what moves us ahead: our core values. Reflecting on these principles helps guide our actions, especially in moments of pain and disorientation. Ethical reflection can ensure that our responses are grounded in integrity and purpose.

How Studying Counseling Changed My Perspective as A Client

As a client, I saw my therapist as a guide. Now, as a therapist in training, I see our relationship as a collaborative partnership. I am the expert on my own life, and their role is to support and facilitate my journey toward self-discovery and healing.

The Power of Self-Reflection

What stands out to me the most from this past quarter is the realization that becoming a reflective practitioner is more than an academic exercise. It is a way of being. In my career as a teacher educator, I have known this for a while. I have seen that when teachers self-reflect, they develop a deeper understanding of their students’ needs, leading to more effective teaching practices.