How Studying Counseling Changed My Perspective as A Client

As a client, I saw my therapist as a guide. Now, as a therapist in training, I see our relationship as a collaborative partnership. I am the expert on my own life, and their role is to support and facilitate my journey toward self-discovery and healing.

The Road to Expertise: Unpacking Development and Diagnosis in Counseling

My third quarter in the Counseling program at Palo Alto University started yesterday. I am taking two courses this term: COUN612 Life Span Development and COUN634 Diagnosis. Today, I am sharing with you what these courses are about and some of my hopes for this quarter.

Reflections on a Transformative Week: My First Residency Experience

The heart of the residency was centered around the integration of both basic and advanced counseling skills. In a series of role-playing exercises, we took turns being mock clients and counselors, providing each other with a unique opportunity to apply what we have learned in a controlled yet impactful environment. Under the caring gaze of our instructors, we engaged in these scenarios, receiving specific feedback.

Interview: Dr. Alyx MacTernan

In this interview, Dr. MacTernan shares her motivations for pursuing a career in mental health, her perspectives on the challenges facing the field, and her experiences that have shaped her approach to teaching and counseling. She also discusses the evolving role of technology in mental health and offers advice to students...