Beyond Defeat: Embracing Cognitive Restructuring and Self-Compassion

Learning from our mistakes can be even more powerful if we keep in mind what moves us ahead: our core values. Reflecting on these principles helps guide our actions, especially in moments of pain and disorientation. Ethical reflection can ensure that our responses are grounded in integrity and purpose.

My Self-Care Strategies

While I have always enjoyed walking, my physician has highlighted the ole of weightlifting in preventing muscle loss. As I type these words, I am hoping to maintain this routine when my workload intensifies. For now, I am letting go of that concern and enjoying this amount of exercise while it lasts.

Thinking about Hope

Hope is a key ally in building resilience. It enables clients to face setbacks with courage and perseverance. It offers a counterbalance to the despair or anxiety that many experience, not by eliminating these feelings, but by providing a perspective that coexists with them. Hope offers a glimpse of light in darkness.

Rediscovering My Inner Sanctuary: Reflections on My Time in Brazil

I felt loved and reconnected with those whom I also love and care about. I left each encounter with my heart full. But there was one more thing, something deeper, that these encounters provided me: They helped me remember who I am, what I value, and where I want to go.